Profile of speaking fluidity in children 8 and 9 years old
Background: In our country (Peru) there are few studies that explain the characteristics of the different profiles of speech fluency in children aged 8 and 9. In other contexts, authors have examined in detail both the speech profiles of children, types of disfluencia, speed of the speech among others.
Method: The methodology was descriptive, non-experimental, with a cross-sectional research design. The protocol “Evaluation of Speech Fluency” was applied to 37 students, measuring types of disfluencies, speed of speech and frequencies of breaks.
Results: The different types of disfluencies were presented with a higher percentage both in boys and girls, and in the age group (8 and 9 years old). The disfluencies with the highest incidence percentage were hesitations, repetitions of words and interjections. Prolongations, pauses were more frequent in both age groups. Regarding the speed of speech, there is greater speed in syllables and words per minute in girls compared to boys, while in the frequency of ruptures, there was a heterogeneous result in both groups (boys and girls).
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is no significant difference in children of 8 and 9 years with the type of disfluencies, frequencies of breaks and speed of speech. The types of disfluencies found in both groups (8 and 9 years) differ from each other, presenting as similarity the presence of hesitations. In the speed of speech, the 9-year-old group has higher speed than the 8-year-old group.